The Caregiver - The importance of PPE
Celebrating Family Council at Carveth Care Centre
by Jim Taylor
- As friends, relatives, or visitors, our concern is always the safety, security and health of the residents at Carveth Care Centre. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), plays a big role in helping to achieve this goal.
To reduce the risk of illnesses, various types of PPE are used by the nursing teams. This includes gloves, face shields (goggles), gowns and masks which act as barriers to block the transmission of infectious materials in blood, body fluids or respiratory secretions to skin, mouth, nose and eyes.
What role do we as caregivers have in applying PPE to protect our loved ones? Wearing masks as requested, and needed, use of hand sanitizers at every opportunity, and respecting visitor limitations while nursing staff are busying working.
If a resident is unwell and needs some level of protection, it will be important to follow the signs and indicators, and to ask staff of any special requirements. As visitors and caregivers, we are constantly being exposed to many types of cold viruses and other contaminants. As such, we need to work hard to keep our residents from becoming ill from our unintended exposures. While it is not directly PPE related, our diligent sign-in procedure is a form of the personal protective activity. We all have a key role to play in protecting our loved ones.