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Carveth Care Centre (long-term care and retirement lodge), has a clear health status. Please visit anytime. 

For more information about our home, please contact:
Director of Care Shelley Bender: 613-382-4752 ext.103 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Owner/Operator/Administrator Brett Gibson: 613-382-4752 ext.102 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Infection Prevention & Control Lead Trish Hornbeck: 613-382-4752 ext.108 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Staff huddles take hold at Carveth Care Centre
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Staff huddles take hold at Carveth Care Centre

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If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.

That famous quote is the basis behind a new practice called staff huddles at Carveth Care Centre, a retirement lodge and long-term care home in Gananoque that is working to strengthen and improve communications and operations.

Speaking for the home is Care Coordinator Lisa Smith who started the staff huddles in 2024. “Every mid-afternoon during the week, I go around to each nursing station and ask staff if they have any comments, questions or concerns. I answer them on the spot if possible. If not, I find the information for them and report back at a future date.”

According to Lisa, she uses this opportunity to communicate:

  • Reminders of things found not being completed
  • Family concerns
  • Review of policies
  • New admissions
  • Surveys on how certain things can be handled/improving workflow
  • Background information on new diseases that are relevant to current residents
  • Behaviour interventions to try
  • Results of audits completed

“The main purpose of the huddles is to allow staff to vent and express their feelings on matters they have experienced,” says Lisa. “Sometimes I have suggestions, other times I communicate frustrations to other wings or bring forward to other staff on another huddle day for ideas.”

The huddles also allow nursing staff to consider a resident’s care needs based on information shared in the huddles.

“Staff seem to get more out of the huddles then a memo on the desk,” Lisa explains.

At the end of each month, Lisa creates a summary to keep track of information that has been shared with her in the huddles. She also tracks questions that needed to be answered to ensure she has followed up. At the beginning of every month, she reviews last month’s unanswered questions. The previous month’s huddle summary can be found on the bulletin board inside her office which can be accessed by staff.

“Although it’s still fairly new, the staff huddles are going well,” says Lisa with a smile. “It is just another tool in our toolbox to improve the health care we provide to the 104-residents in long-term care, here. Residents and staff seem to benefit which is the outcome we were hoping for.”

Carveth Care Centre values its relationship with residents and staff. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-382-4752.  

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