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Nursing home volunteer celebrates publication of first book
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Nursing home volunteer celebrates publication of first book Featured

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An Amherstview woman struggling with depression has turned adversity into opportunity.

Speaking from Helen Henderson Care Centre where she has volunteered for more than a year, Jenna Brandt smiles as she talks about using her mental health issues as material for her new book.

“I have been writing poetry since I was a teen,” explains the 35-year-old. “This past fall was the five-year anniversary of my suicide attempt and I thought this would be a powerful and positive way to honour and celebrate that I’m still here; that I have stayed.”

Wearing a green dress and colourful jewelry in late April 2024, Jenna radiates energy and kindness. Her eyes swell with emotion when complimented on writing her first book.

“Words mean a lot, they have power,” she says wisely, clearly grateful for the feedback.

Acknowledging the book’s content can be heavy and dark to match her diagnosis of epilepsy and complex PTSD, Jenna says the book also has lightness such as a poem about her parents whom she describes as her rock.


“Writing poetry has always been a way for me to express my feelings or tell others things my voice just couldn’t say until it was in poem, rhyming form,” she says. “Music and lyrics have always been especially important and therapeutic to me, so I think that’s way I am drawn to words to express emotions.”

Jenna finds it funny that she was the kid who struggled with handwriting to the point where she rubbed holes into the paper from erasing and rewriting. Now that she has finished her first book, she hopes to continue writing.

“I read approximately one-memoir a week and would love to write my own memoir, someday,” she admits. “I would love to help my best friend Margie write hers, as well.”

Speaking on behalf of Helen Henderson Care Centre, a retirement lodge and long-term care home in Amherstview, Recreation Director Donna Joudoin notes, “When Jenna came to me to volunteer, I was impressed with her energy and compassion for seniors. She learns quickly and is always thinking outside the box to make programs more enjoyable for our residents; to add something different to them.  The residents and staff appreciate her kindness and dedication. It was obvious for the first day she arrived that Jenna has a huge heart. We are delighted to have her on our volunteer team.”

Jenna sparkles when she talks about her interests such as cold-water immersion therapy which helps regulate the body’s immune response, and Helen Henderson Care Centre where she volunteers every Monday and Friday.

“I find I come in earlier and earlier just to talk to the residents and staff,” she says about the popular home.

Although Jenna has not been able to see a hardcopy of her book since it is not available in Canada, yet, she has been able to obtain a digital copy through her publisher. She continues to write poetry and has already considered more projects.

“I think it would be neat to have a book just about my experiences here at Helen Henerson,” she says. “Things I’ve learned through talking to staff, family members and residents, and silly quotes. This is like my other family. I know that I am safe and supported here. I feel at home, here. I go to where the love is, and this place is full of it.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is proud of its volunteers such as Jenna who are working hard to make the world a better place. To learn more about living, working or volunteering in our home, please call 613-384-4585.

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